The Company You Keep!

What does the company you keep say about you?

Look around yourself, who surrounds you? 

Positive people or negative people, nice people or mean people, intellectuals or shallow people, people who lift you up or pull you down?

I am not talking about the people you know. We all know several people from different works of life, by reason of  the schools we attended or still do, where we live, work and even where we come from. All of these bring significant value to our life, good and not so good. 

I am talking about the people we surround ourselves with, because there is a difference between the people we know, and the company we keep.

Don’t forget that we usually judge people by the company they keep. What’s more, it’s proven that we usually end up like the people we hang out with.
If you want a glimpse of whom you are and where you are heading, just look around you. If you don’t like what you see, its time to make some new friends. 
Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future” because “You’re only as good as the company you keep”.

It’s time to make new choices, regardless of your past or current situation. 

This is key to life and living as demonstrated by Isaiah Holt in this 4.46 minutes clip below.

Click on the link below if you want to watch the full 10.34 minutes clip on YouTube


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