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Apprenticeship; the wisdom in learning from others as an entrepreneur

Every five years, knowledge in most major fields’ double. That means if you do not stay informed, you will be left behind. Repeating the same lessons over and over again though means you are not learning enough. The speed at which things change and new challenges evolve are so fast these days, with advancement in technology and the surge in customer awareness, needs and demands. This is why, if you want to be successful in any venture, my advice is that you study those who have succeeded, or are succeeding where you want to succeed. There is no other efficient way to know what to do and what not to do in a cost and time effective manner. This is the wisdom behind apprenticeship, which sadly has been eroded in our entrepreneurial journey.   Quoting Admiral Hyman Rickover of the U. S. Navy, “Learn from the mistakes of others because you will never live long enough to make them all yourself .” To climb the next rung of the ladder as an entrepreneur, or on your career jourmey, use these th

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