What Limiting Belief Is Holding You Back?

Our BELIEFS - Conviction of the truth of anything. An opinion or doctrine believed - greatly influence the outcomes we get out of life. For example, there is a widely held belief that black cats are evil. Or that a pregnant woman should not go out when the sun is at its highest in some parts, to avoid evil. Or how twins were considered evil and killed years ago in some parts of Nigeria.

We each often have major issues that may have their roots in childhood failures or beliefs (tribal, religious and even interdenominational), hereditary or environmental factors. 

Sadly, it often takes a long time, for some, a lifetime, to arrive at that Ah Ha moment that leads to awareness (self-discovery).


Being unaware, people unconsciously engage their default behavior.  Naturally, it is only when we become aware of something, that we are able to make good choices as to the right action to take.


Sometimes, just being aware, allows the problem to solve us, rather than requiring us to solve the problem.  We really don't know how the world works. We only perceive how the world works and our unique perception is based upon who we are and what we are aware of that is happening around us. So to move forward, we need to work constantly on knowledge acquisition in a broad spectrum of areas.  

Here is a mental model that may be helpful for you to keep in mind:-


  1. Your beliefs influence your perception 
  2. How you perceive things structures your reality
  3. That reality suggest to you what is possible
  4. What you accept as possible generates the choices you make. 
  5. The choices you make initiates the actions you take 
  6. The actions you take determine the outcomes you get
  7. The outcomes in turn impact your beliefs

Your beliefs facilitate the change you desire or your awareness

So, take responsibility for your life and take action against all limiting beliefs by following the mental model above.


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