My Thoughts on Worry

This is an adaptation of Bob Gass’s “Let God be God”

How does God provide for us?  One day at a time. 

Understand this
When you worry over the future or things you can do nothing about, it’s like trying to store up manna for tomorrow.  Before you know it you feel rotten.  God wants you to give tomorrow’s concerns to Him because they are too big for you.  You only receive enough grace for today, so stay in the moment. 

Are you being tormented by the ‘what ifs’? 
What if I get hurt or become ill, or the company downsizes and I lose my job?  What if people don’t like or accept me?  What if I invest all I can and its still not considered good enough? What if I can’t find someone to love me and I end up alone?  What if I’m not hearing from God and I make a big mistake? 

If this is familiar to you, you are literally imagining the worst-case scenario.  This is like living in fear concerning things that have not happened - and probably never will.  What if you “figure it all out”, then God surprises you and does something different, something better?  All that time would be wasted.  Haven’t you already wasted enough time worrying?

Here’s a better idea
This year why don’t you just relax and let God be God in your life?

Now this does not mean that you stop thinking and making concrete plans for your life, but that after all your thinking and planning recognize that you really cant achieve anything worthwhile or long lasting without the God factor.


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