Taking Stock of Q1 2017

This is the first week in April and Q2 2017 is already on the way. Ensure you take time out to evaluate the last quarter.  

Here is a simple guide from Stratejoy to help you.

Getting Started
First, gather any material you created at the beginning of the year that has to do with your theme, goals, resolutions, project plans, etc.  If you don’t have anything like that it’s okay!  You will just start fresh. You also need paper and a pen or a word document to process the questions we will be going over below.

Step One. 
Review Q1 (January, February, March).
  1. What went really well?
  2. What was challenging?
  3. What were the biggest lessons you learned?
  4. What were your favorite memories?
  5. Were you honoring your values/ways of being?  How?  What might have been lacking?

Step Two. 
Evaluate Progress on Q1 Project & Maintenance Goals.
  1. Did you accomplish what you wanted to in the first three months of this year?
  2. Have you celebrated your success?
  3. Who did you share it with?
  4. Do you need to retool any timelines?
  5. Was there failure that needs to be evaluated?

Step Three. 
Preparation for Q2 (April, May, June).
  1. What values/ways of being will be your focus in Q2?
  2. What needs to go on the “To Do List” as tasks?
  3. How do you want to feel in the next 3 months with your accomplishments?
  4. How do you need to utilize the Action Tips?

Step Four. 
Create Q2 Project & Maintenance Goals.
  1. What is a goal that has a deadline and can be “checked” off that I want to handle in Q2?  
    • Start my business? 
    • Spiritual development? 
    • Plan that trip?  
    • Go digital?  Change Jobs?
That’s your project goal!

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can change the outer aspects of their lives, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds." - William James

To be productive, you must start acting and thinking like a go-getter, and a quarterly review is a great step in the right direction.


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