Do It Anyway! courtesy Lighthouse by ayodaniels

Do it anyway!

Users of an online platform responded to the question "What is something someone said that forever changed your way of thinking?" Here are two of the responses to inspire you.

Response 1
“When I was 38 I contemplated beginning a two-year Associates Degree in Radiography. I was talking to a friend and had almost talked myself out of doing it. I said "I'm too old to start that. I'll be 40 when I get my degree." My friend said, "If you don't do it, you'll still be 40, but without the degree." I'm nearly 60 now, and that degree has been the difference between making a decent living, and struggling to get by.”

Response 2
I was 13 years old, trying to teach my 6-year-old sister how to dive into a swimming pool from the side of the pool. It was taking quite a while as my sister was really nervous about it. We were at a big, public pool, and nearby there was a woman, about 75 years old, slowly swimming laps. Occasionally she would stop and watch us. Finally, she swam over to us just when I was really putting the pressure on, trying to get my sister to try the dive, and my sister was shouting, "but I'm afraid!! I'm so afraid!!" The old woman looked at my sister, raised her fist defiantly in the air and said, "So be afraid! And then do it anyway!"

That was 35 years ago and I have never forgotten it. It was a revelation. It's not about being unafraid. It's about being afraid and doing it anyway.

This week, learn something new and take a step forward towards your dreams. Just Do It Anyway. 


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