Make your life count!

Make you life count, an adaptation of Denzel Washington's "Making A Difference" Goalcast Video.

If you're like me, you may just have passed through another crossroad of your life,  or perhaps you are right at a crossroad now. If not, I bet you will be soon, because C'est la vie "That is life". Life throws challenges, set backs and failure at us from various sides, and that would continue till death.

One thing I have learnt over the years, regretabely later than earlier, is that it is okay to fail, and even fail big. What matters is what you learn from such moments, and what you do with the learning to aid your growth.

Denzel Washington sums up one of such significant learning as, GOAL Setting, intentionally. Quoting him, "Dreams without Goals are just dreams. Have life goals, have yearly goals, have monthly goals and have daily goals."

He went on to caution, and rightly so, that, one should not confuse Movement with Progress. Because, doing a lot more does not mean you are getting a lot more done.

So I urge you, don't just be a spectator watching life pass by. Set goals, write them down. Paste the vision somewhere visible as a daily reminder. Be intentional about those goals, and take active steps towards fulfilling them. If you fail or falter in the process, do not give up. Rather, instrospect and learn what went wrong and what could be done differently, then move on. Never settle for an average life, because you are created for a unique purpose. Find that purpose, standout, be significant and success would follow.

And just as Denzel concluded, "Don't just aspire to make a living. Make a difference".

Your purpose in life is not about you, it is to achieve a purpose, the one you were created for. Do not miss it. Find it, live it and make your life count.


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