She is always late!


This is a story shared by Oleg Vishnepolsky, Global CTO at DailyMail Online.

Once a manager came to me and said he is very upset. He said one of his employees is often late to his morning meetings.

Oleg: Did you ask her why?
Manager: No, never spoke to her about this.

Oleg: Please ask and let me know.

Later, he comes embarrassed and says she is late because her mother is gravely sick and the mother's nurse is often late.

She has been avoiding to tell him the reason because she did not feel comfortable with the manager.

In response, the manager moved his morning meeting to the afternoon, problem solved.

Doubt is beautiful when we give the benefit of it to others. Sometimes we create problems where none should exist.

Don’t make assumptions about others. Don’t jump to conclusions too early, find out all the facts and make an informed decision.

Someone in your team or close to you may need your compassion more than an official warning, a rebuke or cold shoulder.

No one person, acting alone can achieve much in life. We all need other people to enhance us, to push us up or to encourage us when we feel defeated. To get the most of such help, you need to be emotionally intelligent. You need to help others to rise from their failures, and vulnerabilities, without killing their self belief or desire to even try.

Emotional intelligence (EI) enhances your effectiveness as a Leader or individual, and people skills which is key to success in life.

As Carl W. Buechner said, “People may forget you, but they would never forget how you made feel .


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