Getting off the starting block in 2018!

Here are some deep truths I learnt from Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, with some emphasis here and there, and input of Naira instead of dollars by me.

When asked for reasons for his incredible success. He offered ten insights which if you take to heart would also make you too successful.
  1. Life is not fair so get used to it.
  2. The world does not care about your self-esteem; it expects you to accomplish something before feeling good about yourself.
  3. You would not earn N10 million a year or be a General Manager with an official car straight from school. You have to earn it, and that takes years of value adding work. 
  4. Do you think that your teacher was tough? Wait for your boss. Worse still you will be under him or her for a long time, not tenured as is your time with your teacher is or was
  5. Menial jobs are not beneath you, your parents and grandparents called that opportunity. If unemployed, grab what comes your way. It is as you go out there to work that God’s “goodness and mercy” follow you. 
  6. Your parents were not always boring; that came from working to feed you, and paying your bills over the years, while they deny themselves of their own needs. So search yourself and show them some respect and gratitude for their sacrifice for you. 
  7. Some schools may have abolished winners and losers, but life has not. They may have eliminated “failing grades” and given you as long as you want to get the right answer or move everyone to the next class regardless of their performance. This bears no resemblance to reality. You have to invest in yourself, to improve your skills and knowledge to enhance your possibility of a win in life. 
  8. Employers are not interested in helping you to “find yourself” you have to do that on your own and at your own time. It is in your own interest to do so quicky though, before you’re declared redundant from poor performance. 
  9. Unlike television; real people have to go to work to earn a living. Stop looking for who to latch on to for a living. Get a life. 
  10. Be nice to boring or weird people; chances are, you will be working for one someday if not already. 
So this year remember that there are no shortcuts to greatness, YOU HAVE TO WORK FOR IT.

Happy New Year and do have a great and prosperous 2018.


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