Overcoming Fear!

This is an adaptation of Bob Gass Overcoming your fears. 

Most of us have many fears, a great number of which relates to anxieties about our future, which often lead us on to paths and choices that conflict with who we really are. Unfortunately, God can only bless who you really are, not who you pretend to be. You will never get what you’re after if you’re always trying to get it by being someone or something you’re not.

Let’s look at three common fears.
  1. The Fear of not being good enough - It is not about being as good as others; it is about being you!  So, you need to stop comparing yourself to other people and instead spend your time discovering your God-given strengths.  You were born for a purpose, and that purpose may be unlike anything you have ever encountered. You must seek and find it, because there lies the victory over fear. 
  2. The Fear of not being accepted - This is one of the greatest sources of loneliness in society today.  And the Internet hasn’t solved the problem of loneliness in spite of the “friends” and followers one has online, because deep down we all long for intimacy, not information. You would be surprised at how many people go home to an empty flat, eat dinner for one, watch television, and climb into bed alone.  And for some, even when we have company or a crowd surrounds us, we still feel isolated – like an island in the middle of the sea. But, in truth, it does not have to be that way. The key to being accepted is to reach out and accept the right people who can bring positive value into your life.  When you allow them into your private world, you will find they welcome you into theirs as iron begins to sharpen iron. 
  3. The Fear of failure - Failure is not the opposite of success. It is part of success. There are setbacks in life, and sometimes things may not work out as you’ve hoped. However, that does not make you a failure. A child tries to walk, falls and tries again. That “expert” bicycle rider also fell down several times before mastering the art of balancing which is key to ridding a bicycle. You too, try again. Never give up. When life shuts a door, open it again. It’s a door. That’s how they work. 

Fear kills more dreams than faliure ever will! Everything you want is on the other side of fear. So be intentional in overcoming fear. If you need the help of a professional counsellor, doctor, or a man of God, please reach out and get It. You owe that to yourself.

Rise up today and say, “I will not be afraid of rejection, or the feeling that I am not good enough, nor be held back by failure because I am unique and wonderfully made so.”


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