Thanksgiving; what is there to be thankful for?!

An adaptation of Dave Branon‘s Harvest and Thanksgiving. 

No matter where you live or how you celebrate your land’s bounty, you should set some time apart daily to express gratitude to God, for we would have no harvest to celebrate without His grand creative design.

Many times in the past I also used to wonder what there is to thank God for, going by the miriads of challenges I was and I am still faced with, mostly self inflicted. Thankfully, I have since discovered through it all that “Thank You”, is the best prayer anyone could say, quoting Alice Walker. And just in case you can’t remember something to be thankful for, here are some reminders: -

  • You woke up this morning and was able to stand up and walk unaided. Thank God.
  • It’s December 2017.  You made it thus far. Many started the year, and even this new month with you that are now dead. Thank God.
  • Your salary may not take you home, but you have a job and prospects for better income in the future. Thank God.
  • You may be unemployed, but you are able to afford data to read this post. Many have the money to buy data but cannot even read or write. Thank God.
  • Your bank account may not be buoyant, but you are not needing to spend what you have treating sickness. Thank God.
  • You may be in the middle of a storm in your life right now, but remember “Peace, be still” because the faithful God is right there with you even if He seems to be asleep. Thank God. 
  • You may not have three meals a day, but when you get food to eat, your body functions well enough to digest and pass out waste unaided. Thank God.
  • You may find that shoe a little tight or even old but you can’t afford a new shoe replacement. Remember, there are people without legs to even fit into a shoe. Thank God.
  • You may be single while your mates are married, but marriage as in all of life and living is not about who first got there (speed), but knowing were one is going (Direction). Thank God.
  • Another year is about to end, and you may feel unaccomplished, relax, the God of “by this time tomorrow” is aware of your need and there are still many tomorrows before December 31. Thank God.
I have a lot to be thankful for.

What are you thankful for? Share with a comment here.


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