4 Key Words To Get You Self-Motivated

Motivation simply put is the reason for somebody’s action. 

Motivation on its own is a difficult task and is compounded when viewed on the background of the workplace. 

Here are four key words to help you become self motivated - Think, Believe, Dream and Dare.

       THINK about the values and principles that are important to you. Remember that life is under no obligation to give you just what you expect. What are your life ambitions? Is it riches, wealth, humanity pursuits, religious ministry, fame etc. Think about this things.

       BELIEVE in yourself based on the thinking you have done. You cannot live your life with someone else’s image. It leads to self-destruction. You also become your own worst enemy when you pusruse perfection. Are you confident in your abilities to realise that ambition you thought about? Or to build the capabilities required to pursues them? Self-believe is key to pursuit.

       DREAM about what you want to become, based on your belief in yourself. What you get from life depends upon how much you want it. Losers and Winners both have fears, winners just bury their fears, then use and elevate their talents, while losers do the opposite.

      DARE to make your dream a reality. Make a fool of yourself in the process if you have to. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on the earth in pursuit of purpose. 

Finally you need to take responsibility for your life. Only you can motivate you, no one else can. Don’t confuse mediocrity with patience or perseverance. So be proactive and stop blaming circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for your behavior or status. Go out there and just do it.

Remember, “If you believe you can do a thing, or if you believe you cannot, in either case you are probably right ~Henry Ford


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