What really is Love?

What really is Love? I am talking of the agape kind of love here. 
Love is not selfish. It is not conditional. It simply loves. All of these and more is what Jesus Christ did for us. You and me. He loves us so dearly and unashamedly, against all odds and advice - including the devils.  
Sadly we take Gods love for us for granted. No wonder we take each other’s love for granted. Oh yes, there are many reasons/opportunities to quarrel. The devil's major weapon is to get both of you struggling to WIN the argument. To have the last say. Nooooo, don't give him that satisfaction of Fire for Fire.
Paul points out four things about love in 1 Corinthians 13:45 NIV:
It is not rude
It doesn't use the aggressive, heavy-handed approach.

It is not self-seeking
It forgets about the need to be accepted and makes sure that what the other person hears is filtered only by kindness. It refuses to walk away having spoken half the truth.

It is not easily angered 
When you confront someone in love, don't be upset if you get an angry response such as, "Who are you to tell me?"  The right medicine doesn't taste good, but it heals.

It keeps no record of wrongs
When you have been hurt, it's critical that you deal with it and put it behind you.  Only then can you confront someone for their own good.


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