Discovering and Living on PURPOSE

There is no better motivation on earth than a clear purpose. Knowing one’s purpose prepares one for eternal life, which really is the sole goal that God expects of each of His creation.

While it is okay to pursue a legacy that will be left behind on earth when we are gone, none of such earthly achievements is worth pursuing as an end in itself. The best legacy to pursue is an eternal legacy, because all earthly achievements or legacies would eventually be pushed aside by someone else’s achievement or legacy that society would rate to be greater than yours.

There is a general tendency to desire what others have, forgetting that everyone has something that is uniquely his or hers.

Remember the parable of talents in Matthew 25? Each one got at least one takent  “The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more. ’ “His master replied, ’Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness! ’ “The man with the two talents also came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with two talents; see, I have gained two more. ’” Did you notice that the reward was not directly related to the talents that each was given? So the one with just one talent would also have been made a ruler over “many things”,  only if he had used his one talent.

The harvest is always more than the seed sown, and the harvest is related to the measure used in applying the seed and not the size ofthe seed. That is why faith as small as a mustard seed is said to be capable of moving a mountain. But what do we do? We covet and desire what someone else has in his or her hands. Avoid the herd mentality; following others paths blindly like a herd of cows.

"It is important that each person discovers God’s purpose for their lives, because therein lies that one idea that they are created for."

The BOATS acronym developed by Pastor Charles Achonwa of Doulos Ministries could further guide you towards discovering that purpose, where you don’t already know it.

B Burden - That thing, process, venture or activity that you have a burden or a passion for. Something impressed on you by God.

O Opportunity - The opportunities that you are uniquely exposed to currently.

A Ability - Those abilities or gifting that you are specially endowed with. That is, what are those things that you do effortlessly and so well?

T Trials - The trials that you have gone through or that you are going through. These have really qualified you to share the lessons learnt. An example is famous talk show host Oprah Winfrey who channelled her troubled and painful past into purpose, educating people on how to walk through life trumpantly. Another is Joyce Meyer’s triumph over rape by her father and abuse into favourite preacher status, encouraging others in their own challenges. Indeed all things truly work out for good.

S Satisfaction - The thing(s) that give you greatest fulfilment, satisfaction or joy when you do them. The things you do without needing any motivation by way of money or even commendation.

BOATS above should be useful in helping you discover your purpose on earth.

The gift of Joseph made a way for him. They searched all over Egypt but no one could interpret Pharaoh’s dream until someone suggested a man called Joseph who was in prison for attempted rape to Potiphar’s wife . Joseph was sought out and located. Because you are also gifted, People will search you out and locate you too this year in Jesus name.

It is important to recognise that the fact that someone started a fast food restaurant from their garage that has gone on to become a franchise business, does not mean that you can be that successful in the same business, even if you are a better cook. After all, can a fish climb a tree? Everyone’ prosperity is tied to his or her calling. Many have engaged in ventures that they are not gifted in. They may be able to keep that venture going but they cannot find fulfilment in the venture.

The following analogy by Bob Gass in one of his daily devotionals puts it all together most appropriately,

“To evaluate your success in life accurately you must first understand your God-given purpose. When you play on a team for example, your position determines your purpose. Attackers and defenders have different skills, but to win the team needs both. The defender who keeps the opposing team from scoring is just as valuable as the attacker who scores. One may get more applause than the other, but victory belongs to them all. When you keep comparing yourself with others you’re denied a sense of accomplishment, because you’ve made the benchmark to be like somebody else. No, they are playing a different position. They have a different purpose. They have a different skill set designed to fulfill the role God has given them. God gives you everything you need for the position you play and the purpose you have. What a liberating truth! And God, who gave others the ability to excel what they do, will do the same for you when you learn to
focus on Him, not them.”


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